Pirnar Premium 6022CC
Aluminium front door
- Finely-textured colour
- Dark Grey ESG glass
- OneTouch handle with LUX lighting
- Ambient floor lighting
Minimalist design and the latest technology
This modern aluminium front door is coated in Dark Grey ESG glass and features a fully retractable OneTouch handle. The innovative OneTouch is equipped with a SECURO fingerprint scanner and only emerges from the door with the familiar touch of its owner. At the core of this solid and durable door is a large pane of Parsol Grey glass and the combination of the black striped motif of the ESG glass sitting directly atop the grey Parsol glass gives this door unrivalled depth and beauty. A thin, stainless steel appliqué that frames the OneTouch handle and the ambient floor lighting accentuate the uniqueness of this truly stunning and ultra-modern entrance to your home.