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How to increase the value of your home

Alongside certain factors which in are general driven by the real estate market and include property location and type, size and accessibility, year of construction, nearby facilities etc., the value of your home is without a trace of doubt also influenced by the selection of quality and modern doors and windows.

Increase your home value with the right doors | PIRNAR

This leads to the conclusion that a carefully selected front door with a bold design is a truly smart investment that you will not regret and is certain to pay off. A front door is an integral element of every building both in terms of aesthetics as well as accessibility, maximum safety and optimal functionality.

It all starts with a front door

A front door is the key element that reflects your personality while at the same time protecting your daily privacy. A meticulously selected front door is a prestigious designer product that is certain to drawn the attention and envy of passers-by. The offer of quality front doors is diverse, so make your choice count. Don’t settle for anything but the best!

Think of the future when selecting your front door

A front door is a long-term investment that you will be in contact with on a daily basis, in the morning or in evening, regardless of your mood or reason for departure or arrival. Your new front door will become part of your life. That is why you should choose a front door that you will be inspired by from day one and for years to come. And because we live in a time of constant technological progress and never-ending innovation, even in front door production and development, we need to answer the following questions: How long before conventional keys are replaced by modern locking solutions? Will the front door you select and install today still be attractive in ten years? And will they add value?

Draw attention with a prestigious front door of contemporary dimensions

Pirnar, a family business, is proud to offer the most prestigious, innovative front doors, which have received numerous awards, created to arouse the interest of users and visitors while at the same time substantially improving the value of the property. Pirnar-made front doors feature highest quality materials, a daring design and impeccable make.

Hand-made front by Pirnar make possible various adaptations, incl. dimensioning, general appearance, materials and integrated technologies – LED lighting, automatic handles and smart locking solutions.

Only the best front door is good enough for your home

If what you’re looking for in a front door is absolute perfection of design and maximum simplicity of use, Pirnar offers a wide selection of modern, aesthetically pleasing and technologically advanced front doors.

Choose between unique front door featuring a multilevel design that is certain to stand out, a smooth entryway with uniformly oriented elements, uniquely dimensioned aluminium or wood front doors, doors with automatic handles and a fingerprint reader or an automated, touchless front door featuring facial recognition technology. All Pirnar doors feature artisan craftsmanship, excellent thermal conductivity characteristics and top material quality as well as high versatility.

Don’t let time catch up with you! Instead, simplify your life and get rid of that ancient key. Become the proud owner of a prestigious front door with a modern fingerprint locking system. Pick a front door with automatic pull-out/pull-in handles and enter your home safely, comfortably and gracefully. Or instead, choose an elegant and functional state-of-the-art front door with the first ever completely touchless locking system. Decide for a modern, technologically advanced and quality front door that will not go out of fashion and will remain trendy and functional for decades. Increase the value of your home and simultaneously discover the true value of a prestigious front door, hidden in the comfort of use and a feeling of admiration you feel each time you pass through your dream entrance.

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